International Journal of Advances in Agricultural Science and Technology

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Volume 11 Issue 2 February 2024

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1 Age-related changes in mineral retention and excretion in starter and finisher pigs diets with and without exogenous phytase
Author(s): G. Gаnhev1, S. Chonova1 , D. Kankov2, P. Petkov2, I. Nikifov2
DOI : 10.62604/ijaast.2024.v11.i02.pp1-7
2 Varieties of sheep and their effects on blood lysozyme and complement activity
Author(s): V. Semerdjiev1, D. Dimov2, S. Laleva3, P. Slavova3, M. Iliev4, D. Yarkov1
DOI : 10.62604/ijaast.2024.v11.i02.pp8-13